Our Bromley Day Nurseries have a wide range of spaces each catering to different development stages including The Burrow (0-2 Years), The Nest (2-3 Years), The Hollow (3-5 Years)!
Our dedicated educators enable all babies to feel safe and secure by creating a warm and nurturing home from home environment where all individual’s interests are at the centre of learning. Our babies are given the opportunities to participate in a wide variety of wonderous experiences exploring the senses of the world. We provide an entire exploratory sensory curriculum where play ignites baby’s innate curiosity.
The Nest
2-3 years
Our toddlers will find opportunities to explore the natural world whist being listened to and motivated by our dedicated educators. In our toddler room they are encouraged to use technology where appropriate to enhance their learning and share memories and experiences. Our toddlers will learn huge thinking, learning, social and emotional skills that will support them in navigating their world. This is all while being supported and respected as individuals.
The Hollow
3-5 years
Preschool is the last steppingstone towards primary school, we therefore aim to achieve a natural balance between adult and child-initiated activities. We scaffold every child’s learning to support them to be inquisitive, independent and confident learners. The children are encouraged to be at the heart of our planning, where their ideas, views and thoughts are heard, understood, and appreciated. We aim in preschool to build our children up so when they leave for bigger things, they are life ready.
Outdoor Spaces
We offer diverse forms of active play, that allow children to independently explore, discover and investigate. Our children have access to natural resources that allow innovative and imaginative play where they can immerse themselves within their own adventures. We engage and explore the outdoor spaces within the wider community to broaden horizons. We advocate children to take risks while being within a secure and stable environment.